Collection: Rockets Burst from the Streetlamps

This page is the kernel of what will someday be the music section of this superstore. For now, however, it is solely dedicated to one super obscure band that was active in Boston from 1996-2001, chiefly in Allston Rock City, Massachusetts. 

Rockets Burst from the Streetlamps was the project of myself (Annie), Craig Uram, Aug Stone, and Rick Webb. (Also, Val Webb and Vicky Harrington in some early incarnations.) We made records, we played shows. We drank a lot of alcohol. We damaged our own hearing, and that of others. You'd probably call the music shoegaze, at least nowadays. Back then we were called a lot of things. If you want to listen to our music, it's on Spotify. If you want to actually buy physical copies of said music, you still can, apparently, through our label.

Back in the 90s, making merch was expensive and more difficult and we tended to spend all our money on CDs and records and packaging (and alcohol and artistic idealism), so we never made any t-shirts and stuff like that back then. But there comes a time to seize the means of production (thanks internet disintermediation and print-on-demand technology!) when you've got to just do it. Even though it's very belated. So, without further ado, and even without mention of groundhogs, is some Rockets' merch for your consideration.

Thank you.