I'm working on a new project, and it is a book! It's about the indie business community in Salem MA. I think it's a case study that other communities and small businesses can learn from. And a fascinating glimpse into a unique, quirky ecosystem that is, in many ways, doing it right.
As a major part of this project, I'll be interviewing lots of Salem business owners and people running various organizations around town. I have a huge list of potential people to talk to, but let me know about anyone you think should be included (if they want to be). I'd especially love to talk to some people who have been around Salem for decades and can provide some deep background, oral history style.
I'm hoping the book will shed light on how to run a sustainable, creative, fulfilling business within the current capitalist constrictors while being ethical (though not necessarily playing by the regular rules) and adding good into the world. So, not your average business book. That said, the book will also be about everything I learn from talking to all the folks I'm hoping to involve, and I'm sure that's going to a lot of things I haven't even thought of yet — but at least I know I don't know!
I haven't quite figured out where I'll be posting updates about all this, but for now, here is the place. Thank you.